Wednesday, September 24

She's just like me.

I always felt awkward growing up. I didn't ever feel like I fit in anywhere and at some points in my life now, that feeling creeps in every once in awhile. Well, I have a carbon copy of my personality in my oldest. She came home the other day and was missing assignments and down on her reading score and I told my husband how much I had taken away and what the plan of action was. She has the personality that is influenced by others and not the take charge type. My mother pointed out to me that I was the same way. I let my best friend growing up run the show and I didn't mind a bit. Well, watching Morgan is like reliving my childhood. She has a friend that does the same to her and she thinks she hung the moon. I want her to be stronger and more independant and sure of herself. When I was telling all my worries to Ryan, he asked if I was really worried about her grades and attitude or was I just seeing myself in her and what I didn't like about myself. Boy was he right. I think I will learn more through my daughter than I will ever teach her.